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I have four sibling which who I love so much.When I was younger ,the only one at the moment, I grew up painting and crafting.Making drawings for my grandma and aunt were my favorite thing to do.I was surrounded by art, I loved it so much.I enjoyed my class in elementary school,everyone would play with watercolors or doodle.When I got to High school I chose the art department South 2!!  In order to take other medias of arts, Art 1 had to be taken.

I had  that class for a year with Ms.Hunter and let me tell you.It was the funnest class, everyone got along and we had the chance to critiques each other's art.Ms.Hunter had several prompts for the next journal entry and each one of us had the chance to express how we felt.Some stories were really dark,some  were really amazing and others  not so meaningful stories.

When I finished with my course I got into photography.I thought it was simple as clicking the button and just snapping a picture.But I learned there was more than just capturing an image.It took time to develop your meaning to the picture,what kind of environment to take it in,what to photograph,and lots of more concepts.I later learned how to Photoshop and we also had the chance to communicate and express how we felt about our class mates photos.Their comments and suggestions enhance my pictures throughout the year and made me stronger.Which is why now I develop images that I know are my strongest field of work.

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